Today we have finished the assembly and testing of our first product for the mass market: the High Accuracy Positioning Pi HAT. The HAPPi HAT is a Raspberry Pi extension…
Today we had a public presentation of the Iaso COVID-19 Response Platform as part of the Sol-2020 Matchmaking Day event organized by UEFISCDI – the financing authority for R&D in Romania. The…
RISE is announcing the finalization of its 2020 campaign of high altitude balloon launches. This year we have managed to have 4 balloon launches coordinated by us and also help our…
The MARGOT project was successfully completed this month. With almost 2800 hours of data collected in different maritime and fluvial navigation environments and an in-depth analysis of the local errors that impacted…
We are proud to notice that the website of the European Space Agency recognizes our efforts of rapidly re-orienting our background experience in space towards mitigating, at least in part,…