This page is updated as necessary, in order to inform the amateur radio community how to receive and decode signals generated by our projects and experiments. This is particularly useful for upcoming stratospheric balloon launches or other APRS tests. For any inquiry on this topic, please send an email to ham at roinspace dot com.

Next launch is planned for August 8th, near Stalpu, Buzau, 08:00 local time. Relevant payload details are included below.

1. Reprogrammed RS41 radiosonde (UHF)

  • Consists of a recovered Vaisala RS41 radiosonde, using software developed by OM3BC.
  • APRS 432.500MHz, callsign YO4ESC-14, rate 3/min.
  • RTTY 435.500MHz (baudrate 50 bps, shift 540MHz, 7 data bits, parity none, 2 stop bits). FL-Digi can be configured as presented on Rate: 3/min.
  • CW 434.500MHz (identification only), rate 3/min.

2. VHF APRS tracker

  • Consists of an picoAPRS Lite (1W), with dipole antenna.
  • APRS 144.8MHz, callsign YO4ESC-12, rate 3/min.
  • Connected to an external GNSS receiver, which should not be prone to jamming and spoofing

3. SMS/GPS tracker

  • Location sent via SMS, only when there’s coverage from the provider. Typically used after landing.

Predicted flight path (via