DropCoal for the NYX Capsule
As an opportunity to include the DropCoal experiment on board the NYX capsule was identified, ESA contracted another model to confirm the platform’s suitability for more microgravity experiments. This time, the model is recovered, and the full data can be analyzed post-flight. However, there were different design constraints and therefore the mechanical layout needed some modifications.
Although it followed the same general development roadmap, this second model relied on the experience obtained by the development of the first prototype. There were still several challenges to be tackled, mainly due to being hard-mounted on the capsule (and the mechanical test was much more intense). Another major change was a reduction of the number and volumes of the liquids, as the total operational time is constrained to 30 minutes in orbit.
Currently, the environmental test campaign has been concluded, and the final filling and acceptance will be performed in late 2024. The hardware is scheduled for handover in Jan.2025, while the launch of the Nyx capsule is scheduled for Q3 2025.